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Great coffees do not happen by accident. They are a combination of terroir + variety + process + hard work. We are happy to offer you a wide range of specialty coffees from recipes to special exceptional lots.



Created to maintain consistent cup profiles year after year, using lots from member farms that represent a classic taste of the terroir. Easy to roast. Versatile. 

Preparation: In the natural process the cherries are dried with their skin and mucilage. After harvest, the cherries are immediately forwarded to paved drying patios, skipping the wet mill, and spread out in thin layers. The drying process is completed on mechanical cylinders under controlled temperature in order to allow for a homogeneous moisture content.  image_recepies

Selectiom: The cherries are harvested mostly by machines, which are adjusted to pick as many of the ripe cherries as possible, also respecting different ripeness stages of each varietal during the harvest season. 

Score: 82.5-83.5

Attributes: Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Hazelnuts, Walnuts, full body, balanced acidity

Preparation:  in Pulped Natural coffees some parts of the cherry are removed before drying, meaning that it is possible to control the amount of mucilage that remains on beans. After arriving from the fields, the coffee cherries are immediately delivered to the wet mill where they undergo a first separation by water density in the washing machines. Heavier ripe cherries tend to sink to the bottom and are conveyed to a set of depulping machines. image_singles
Selection: Each depulping machine can be adjusted by pressure so that cherries are sorted according to levels of maturation. Softer, riper cherries will break apart and have their skin removed in the first stages whereas harder cherries move on to the next machine The result is a separation of cherries with great precision and therefore very homogeneous coffee lots.
Score: 83.5-84.5

Attributes: Caramel, Brown Sugar, Dulce de leche, Peanut butter, smooth mouthfeel, hints of citric acidity

What our partners say


"Since the origins of Perky Blenders, we have been highly selective about the producers we work with, and we only work with suppliers making a conscious effort to restore and maintain the environment. With Sancoffee, we know that we are getting excellent quality, and helping to create a better world for future generations".

Adam Cozens
MD & Co-founder, Perky Blenders


 Single varietal lots coming from one specific plot, fully traceable back to one farm.

Preparation: both Natural and Pulped natural processes

Selection: Cherries are harvested according to best stage of maturation respecting the track record of each varietal and receiving special attention during post harvest

Score: 84+

Attributes: Enhanced sweetness, buttery body, notes of honey, molasses, stone fruit, dried fruit, jam 

Special preps

 Lots carefully selected and processed to achieve exceptional, exotic cup profiles

Preparation: Different post harvest techniques are employed to use fermentation as a tool that can add complexity and fruit forward notes. 

Selection: cherries are hand picked at the peak of maturation and dried in small batches in raised beds  

Score: 86+



fermentation (plastic barrels, bags, big bags)



fermentation (with addition of yeast -
produced at the farm or commercial)



fermentation (in a pile, static box, thick layer)

Special projects

Coffees from the projects with social and environmental focus.



coffee produced by women


Carbon Neutral

sustainable coffee



certified coffee


Beyond Borders

coffee produced by small producers