Environmental, social and governance initiatives at Sancoffee
Beyond Borders Program
A Small Coffee Growers Program
In our quest for greater social impact, we decided to offer the Sancoffee experience to small coffee holders within our communities. This program was created in 2012 and provides tools for market access and continuous technical support. The families are enjoying greater recognition of their work and adding value to their production.
USD 239,613.47
Premium Paid to Growers
Nascentes Project
Women united are as powerful as the confluence of waters!
Nascentes was born from the strength of women coffee growers in Campo das Vertentes. Inspired by the water springs that turn into rivers and create some of the greatest water basins in Brazil, these women have gathered in their diversity to better showcase their essential work within coffee. The organic and plural fluidity of water represents a contemporary and feminine concept. Hence, the name “Nascentes”, meaning in Portuguese where something starts.
Women Growers
Sancoffee in the field
An educational program to growers, co-workers and community
We recognize the importance of social development to foster sustainable communities. Our attention is particularly focused on education and training. In this sense, we co-host several professional training courses for the youth. In addition, we promote workshops aiming at coffee growers and farm workers. By providing these opportunities, we hope we can transform lives.
Benefited People
Workshops and Webinars
produced non-graded bags (60 kg) 86+
Bio Recovery
A future for the planet
As part of our environmental engagement, Sancoffee members created a program to preserve the nature and rich biodiversity of Campo das Vertentes. This program aims to recover some areas that had been deteriorated in the past through growing seedlings, planting native trees and protecting water sources.
Ha of recovered area
Springs recovered
Native trees planted
Recovered gullies
Carbon footprint
Measuring and reducing the footrpint
As coffee growers, we are connected with nature but also involved with the most important economic activity in our region. Thus, we strongly believe we can collaborate more with the planet and our people. Since 2020, we have been able to offset 100% percent of greenhouse gases emissions. Becoming one of the first coffee coops to achieve Carbon Neutrality in Brazil.
At the farm level, we are carrying out research to better understand the carbon footprint and how different agricultural practices may influence the stock of carbon in the plants and soil, with an aim of net negative carbon operations in the near future.
Tones of CO2 offset since 2020
tCO2e footprint of a sample member farm
Impact Report 2023
Download the latest version of our yearly Impact Report to get a detailed update on the current status of all Sancoffee impact projects.