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Meet Maria - Marketing lead and storyteller

Meet Maria, our marketing and communication lead, and see what inspires her in communication about Sancoffee and marketing in general. 


What drives you as a person?

I love creating new things. What makes me really happy is being able to come up with a new way to deliver an important message and see that it touched people, that it had a positive effect and was meaningful. 

What's your background?

I've always been really interested in how communication affects social behaviour, so I decided to get a degree in sociology of communication! It was a natural transition for me to evolve from sociology to marketing. I've been in marketing and communication for over 10 years now, and I love it! I'm currently based in Zurich, Switzerland, but years ago I lived and worked in London. It was there on the streets of Soho that I fell in love with specialty coffee! My passion for coffee slowly merged with my profession and now I'm doing marketing in coffee. In my private life, I run open mic storytelling shows, helping people practise public storytelling (and fall in love with their story)! 

What do you do at Sancoffee?

My job is to communicate the value that Sancoffee generates: from coffee news and team achievements to big sustainability projects and creative campaigns. I see myself as an inspiration manager, and my goal is to pass on the inspiration from all the great work being done in the origin to the buyers and consumers so they feel deeply connected to it. 

Image: WOC 2024, Maria (left) and Ana Claudia ,Impact Coordinator at Sancoffee (right)

What is impact for you?

I believe that impact is all about hope for a brighter future. To me, making an impact is about proving to yourself and others that we can be better, that we can make a positive change. It's about having a path ahead of you that leads to a better place and being willing to walk this path. And it's about helping others to have a path in front of them, not a wall. 

How do you like your coffee?

For me coffee is a ritual. I love to wake up early, brew a cup of coffee and sit in silence for 15 minutes, welcoming the day. When i travel always take an aeropress and coffee beans with me, so i don't have any unpleasant coffee surprises in the morning. That comes with a cost though, I get stopped at the airport security with my manual grinder every single time. But it worth it. 

What do you love most about your job?

I love telling stories. I love how powerful words can be. You take a fact that something happened and then you give it colors with words and it gives it a quality. And i really love telling stories about the amazing work Sancoffee has been doing. I met Sancoffee far before we got a chance to work together and i got truly impressed with how much support they give to their community. And now being able to pass on these impressions to people on the other continents using my skills, isn't that a definition of professional fulfilment? 

What do you feel most excited about in 2024?

I think 2024 is a big year for Sancoffee. Winning the Sustainability Award and getting industry recognition for all the impact work is such an incredible achievement. I feel so proud to have been able to contribute to it. I'm really excited to see how this is going to unfold and to set new milestones. Who knows, maybe even the Peace Noble Prize! :) 


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